Akiva School

Akiva School

Quotes from Akiva Children

  • I'll miss the friendly and welcoming atmosphere because whenever you need help, your friends and teachers will be there to help you.
  • I will miss the friendly atmosphere, children and the joyful festivals.
  • I'll miss the supportive people who really care about how you are learning and support you if you do things wrong.
  • Challenge Days gave me the chance to learn independently and interdependently. This has helped me each year more and more to today where I understand both ways of learning in Akiva.
  • I loved getting a Reception buddy because you need to help them get ready for their school life ahead of them and make them feel comfortable with the school and help them learn and make friends.
  • Akiva has given me confidence by the teachers helping and supporting me throughout my time at Akiva school, allowing me to boost my confidence and independence to help me in obstacles that I come across during my life outside of Akiva school.
  • As I am going to a non-Jewish school next year, I will keep my faith whilst being around non-Jews. Akiva has prepared me for keeping my views in later years.
  • Akiva's taught me to be proud of who I am and not embarrassed.
  • Akiva's taught me to never hide my religion and always be proud of my religion.
  • All the residential trips gave me that responsibility to be able to look after myself.


Source: Year 6 Leavers Survey July 2019

See also: 

Welcome from our Headteacher       Quotes from our Ofsted Inspection  Quotes from our Pikuach InspectionQuotes from our Parents