about the akiva pta
The Akiva PTA (Parent Teacher Association) comprises a group of parents and teachers who make up the PTA Committee.
The PTA has 3 principal aims:
- To allow parents to be an integral part of school life.
- To help to foster a sense of community between the staff, pupils and parents.
- To organise volunteers to support the school and to raise funds.
- To support those within and outside of our community.
The Committee meets regularly and is responsible for organising and overseeing all PTA activities and events.
Parent Members
Rahwa Fessahaye (Chair)
Gali Rezner
Angela Levene
Roberto Beggi
Sofya Linderman
Lara Schwartz
David Renton
Teacher Members
Natalia Guzman
Claire Silver (Head Teacher)
- Challa Rota
- Second Hand Uniform
- Social Action
- Gardening / Litter clear up
- Staff Appreciation
- Coffee Mornings
- Parent Skills Database
- Chanukah Fair
- Silent Auction
- Akiva Quiz
- Summer Fair
There are Class Reps (usually 3) for each class at the school. They help to support teachers and parents and provide a vital link between the PTA and parents. A list of current Class Reps can be found here.
Much of the PTA/Class communication is through WhatsApp groups.
Please see here for an outline of Class Reps duties and WhatsApp communication policy.
Funds raised by the PTA have been spent on the new Multi-Use Area and resurfacing of the KS2 playground, ICT equipment, Mathletics and Espresso online education systems, uniforms for the choir and other miscellaneous items. Funds have also been set aside to purchase a new Sefer Torah.
Give your Time
The PTA thrives on involvement from active school parents and can provide great opportunities to really help make a difference to the school and pupils. You don’t need any particular knowledge or skills and it doesn’t matter whether or not you know any of the other parents. In fact, it can be a good way of getting to know other parents.
We also encourage all parents to take part in our regular PTA meetings.
Use your skills and contacts
If you have particular skills or contacts that you would be happy to share, please let us know.
Share your ideas
We’re always looking for new ideas for how to make the school an even better place than it is already.
If you have a great idea for an event or a cause for us to support, please share it with us.
We’re happy to be inspired by you!
Support our events
Please come to the events that we organise if you can.
We are always grateful to parents, children and staff for their presence and support.
The PTA believes that all parents, children and staff should feel welcome to events and be able to attend them if they wish. We ensure that our events are inclusive and not tailored to any particular gender or family unit.
It is also important to us that events are accessible to all needs, and that no family is precluded from attending due to financial accessibility or any other constraint.
To this end, if there is anything that we can do to make any events more accessible for you and your family, please contact us (in confidence) at ptaakiva@gmail.com or by phone to Rahwa Fessahaye (PTA Chair) on 07950 419 367.
Read more about the Akiva Birthday Book Scheme championed by the PTA