Akiva School

Akiva School



The Akiva RE curriculum is authentic and challenging; it provides memorable opportunities for our pupils. 

At Akiva School we see Religious Education (RE) as being a vital subject in relation to our mission statement and the teaching of British Values. Through our curriculum, our school environment and our school ethos, we promote pupil self-esteem and emotional well-being. We help children to form worthwhile and satisfying relationships based on respect for themselves and others in society. We endeavour to develop happy, confident and knowledgeable British citizens with a love of Israel and Judaism and a respect for the wider and ever changing world.  As Progressive Jews we ensure that children are tolerant and understanding of the diverse world we live in, able to celebrate differences and identify the similarities.  Learning about the other religions around us is essential to this.

R.E. Progression Map

Further information about R.E. at Akiva

Claire Lesser is the R.E. Subject Leader