Art and Design
The Akiva Art curriculum is authentic and challenging; it provides memorable opportunities for our pupils.
Our Art and Design curriculum aims to develop pupil’s creativity and critical thinking skills while promoting imaginative risk-taking to inspire and challenge them. As pupil’s progress, they will make important links across all areas of the curriculum to deepen their understanding of how art and design reflects and shapes our history, contributes to our Jewish culture, creativity and the wider diverse world in which we live. Teaching and learning at Akiva provides authentic visual, tactile and sensory experiences while encouraging children to engage in their own unique way of understanding and responding to the world around them. It enables children of all abilities to communicate what they see, feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials and processes. Children engage in memorable art experiences through our annual art week as well as through competitions and school outings.
Art and Design Progression Map
Further information about Art and Design at Akiva
Negin Vafadar is the Art and Design Subject Leader.